Voter ID Card Status
To check and track Voter ID Card Status first log onto official website of your respective state, Search in “Google”to open the official site of state.
For example to search for official site of AndhraPradesh : type ‘chief electoral officer Andhra Pradesh‘
likewise to get TamilNadu state website : Search “chief electoral officer TamilNadu”
- Andhrapradesh –
- Tamilnadu –
- Orissa –
- Telangana –
Andhrapradesh – open,
Check Voter ID status -under E-Registration tab, click Know Your Application Status
- Search your application status by providing one of the following search criteria:
- Application Id / House Number.
- the time when you apply Before 01.01.2014/After 01.01.2014
- And select type your application form
- Application Id / House Number.
- Form – 6 (New Enrollment)
- Form – 8 (correct your card)
- Form – 8A (Transpose your card).
Click on “View Status” link to know the status of your application. A pop up will be displayed as
shown below:
• If application is pending, status will be “Application is under verification”.
• If your application is accepted , then the following details will be displayed
- status as “Application is accepted by the ERO”
- Part No and Serial no where your name has been enrolled.
- EPIC card Number.
- E‐Seva center details
o If application belongs to GHMC area, E‐Seva center details will be displayed where also you can get your EPIC card.
o If application belongs to districts other than Rangareddy & Hyderabad it will not display the e‐seva center details.
You can get your EPIC card from the e‐seva centers to which your Assembly Constituency is attached. The e‐Seva center details are available at the right side of the homepage.
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how can i download voter id card telangana
plz give me reply
Ram Devi
If Any option is not working in official website, that means is official stopped for certain period. If you entered your details then your details are visible in voter list. Then Officially you can pick your voter id directly in e -seva center with nominal fees (below 50Rs).
Andhrapradesh – open
Telangana – open
january month of this year i went to get my voter id card at vidyamandir school,meyyanur salem,tamilnadu ,I waited there until 12.30pm but not received but they have given me a phone number of salem suramangalam office ,I called them and demanded whether they have receive the card or not, he said that he had not received,please do the needful to get my card.Thankyou.
Ram Devi
please go to contact us , you find the toll free number to know your status..